XVIII. mendeko dotrina argitaragabe bat: aurkezpena eta edizioa



Saio honetan XVIII. mende bukaeran goi-nafarreraz idatzitako dotrina baten edizioa aurkezten da. Orain arte ezezaguna izan den eskuizkribu hau Eusko Legebiltzarreko liburutegian agertu da berriki. Beraz, euskal dialektologiarako dezakeen garrantzia aipatu ostean, eskuizkribuari buruzko zenbait ohar egiten dira; besteak beste, erakusten gaztelaniazko zein liburu duen jatorri, noizkoa daitekeen itzulpena, liburuaren tamaina, etab. Areago, laburki diren hizkuntza ezaugarri batzuk kontuan izanda, Leitza inguruko hizkera erabiltzen dela eta anonimotzat hartu bada ere, proposatzen Tiburtzio Sagastibeltza daitekeela dotrinaren egilea. Jarraian, testuaren edizio kritikoa eskaintzen da, bi motatako oharrez lagundurik: batetik paleografikoak daude eta, bestetik, testua ulertzen lagundu nahi duten azalpen oharrak.

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منابع مشابه

Eta and Eta’ Physics

This talk describes the reasons why η and η decays are an interesting topic of study for both theory and experiment. The main part discusses the results of the recent calculation of η → 3π at two-loop order in ChPT. Some puzzling aspects of the results compared to earlier dispersive calculations are highlighted. I also like to remind the reader of the use of η and η decays for studying the anom...

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Eta, Eta’ and eLSM

We discuss the η-η ′ mixing in the Extended Linear Sigma Model (eLSM).

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chi ( c 0 ) and chi ( c 2 ) decays into eta eta , eta eta ‘ , and eta ’ eta ’ final states

G. S. Adams, M. Anderson, J. P. Cummings, I. Danko, J. Napolitano, Q. He, J. Insler, H. Muramatsu, C. S. Park, E. H. Thorndike, F. Yang, T. E. Coan, Y. S. Gao, M. Artuso, S. Blusk, J. Butt, J. Li, N. Menaa, R. Mountain, S. Nisar, K. Randrianarivony, R. Sia, T. Skwarnicki, S. Stone, J. C. Wang, K. Zhang, S. E. Csorna, G. Bonvicini, D. Cinabro, M. Dubrovin, A. Lincoln, D. M. Asner, K. W. Edwards,...

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Xviii. Speech Communication'

The objectives of our work are to further our understanding of (a) the process whereby human listeners decode an acoustic speech signal into a sequence of discrete linguistic symbols, such as phonemes; and (b) the process whereby human talkers encode a sequence of discrete linguistic symbols into an acoustic signal. Current research activities related to these objectives include studies, aided ...

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Xviii. Cutaneous Sensory Mechanisms

We have previously reported1 that dogs raised in restriction cages from puppyhood to maturity have greater difficulty than normally reared littermates in performing a simple black-white discrimination and in subsequent reversal training. Since the restricted dogs had some patterned visual stimulation in their cages, their difficulty in performing a discrimination and then utilizing it in a new ...

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عنوان ژورنال: Anuario del Seminario de Filología Vasca "Julio de Urquijo"

سال: 2021

ISSN: ['0582-6152', '2444-2992']

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1387/asju.22417